Arts et Métiers is a higher education engineering school in France. It includes 8 Education and Research Campuses and 3 Institutes across France. With 15 research laboratories and 1 PhD program, Arts et Métiers develops teaching and research activities in five strategic fields: Future of manufacturing, Mobility, Energy, Health Technology, Construction.
Arts et Métiers is a "Public Scientific, Cultural and Professional Institution" under the authority of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. With 15 research laboratories and 1 PhD program, Arts et Métiers develops teaching and research activities in five strategic fields: Future of manufacturing, Mobility, Energy, Health Technology and Construction. Through the LAMPA Laboratory (Angers-Laval) Art et Métiers have a well-recognized training and scientific expertise both in fundamental areas of AR/VR as well as in targeted application domains. Arts et Métiers, as Activity leader, will lead the WP1 Project management and dissemination for which it ensures the project is executed on schedule, milestones and deliverables are reached and dissemination of the project aligned with EITM expectations. Arts et Métiers will also add its expertise in the use of interactive technologies (mobile scanning, Immersive sketching and design) in the whole value chain to specify and execute trainings.